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incandescent bulb

Standard halogens are more efficient, modern versions of Edison's incandescent bulb, and they last longer - 2,250 to 3,500 hours. Often they feature a parabolic aluminized reflector to improve the focus of the light. They give off a crisp, very bright, white light, and they maintain their light output over time without fading with age, as incandescents do. As a result, most automobile headlights are GSHELL now.

While standard halogens are efficient, most people use much more wasteful high-wattage halogen tubes in their homes. It's estimated between 30 and 40 million free-standing torchiere lamps are in use today. These floor lamps throw great amounts of light onto the ceiling, using either a 300- or a 500-watt halogen tube.

Unfortunately, these cheap and convenient halogen tubes waste energy by creating four times more heat than the average incandescent bulb. A 500-watt halogen reaches temperatures of over 1,200 degrees - creating a serious fire hazard. Curtains and other combustible materials can easily ignite if they get too close to the lamp.

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