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Incandescent light bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs have been the preferred choice of lighting ever since the days when Thomas Edison perfected the design and began selling them worldwide. In December 2007, the U.S. Government enacted the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which required incandescent light bulbs to be more efficient. They set the minimum wattage requirement for all general service incandescent light bulbs to produce 310 to 2600 lumens of light.

In order to address the demand by the public for the quality of light that an incandescent light bulb produces, GSHELL light bulb was created. This modified version of the incandescent light bulb provides the same quality of light most have come to expect, with the added benefit of 5-10 times the amount of hours. The typical incandescent light bulb would last only 1000 to 2000 hours.

The GSHELL light bulb lasts up to 10,000 hours. This longer lasting light bulb can also be used for “rough use” and is exempt from this recent legislation. Designed with the latest in lighting technology, the GSHELL light bulb now provides consumers with the same quality of light originally provided by incandescent light bulbs while being more energy efficient and longer lasting.

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